Lullaby Services, the Newborn Care Specialists

Lullaby Services is owned and operated by a former English nanny, newborn care specialist and mother of two. Since our inception, our mission has always been to provide you with the most experienced, professional and loving baby nurses. Our baby nurses are pre-screened, dedicated and have five-star references from previous families.

Our baby nurses are experienced and educated in newborn care

Newborn Night Nannies

Lullaby overnight nannies will see to all of your baby’s needs throughout the evening and night so that you can get a good nights sleep! Our newborn overnight nannies also specialize in caring for multiples! Hire an overnight nanny that will help you so that you can be 100% during the day! Night nanny duties include but are not limited to: feeding, swaddling, changing, burping, rocking, soothing, preparing bottles and more.

baby nanny agency nyc

Newborn Day Baby Nurses

Our daytime newborn baby nurses and nannies are perfect for the new mom who may need a little experience, guidance or an extra set of helping hands. While the new born baby nurse is there you can rest, run errands or spend time with siblings. Some of the baby nurses duties can include feeding, playing, changing, preparing bottles, rocking, bathing, light housekeeping, laundry and whatever else will make your life easier.

Would you like to hire a Baby Nurse?

We help match your family with a professional baby nurse and/or nanny that is experienced and understands your specific needs. Each baby nurse is able to travel nationally and internationally. Whether you need a daytime baby nurse or overnight baby nurse, we are at your service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you should have an emergency, we can provide a baby nurse or a nanny to you right away. Since our inception, we have provided baby nurses and nannies to New Jersey, Connecticut, New York, and more specifically to Manhattan, Westchester, Greenwich, and Long Island areas. We are now able to provide baby nurses nationwide!

Our Baby Nurses are very experienced and educated in newborn care

At Lullaby Services we realize that you need a loving baby nurse or nanny who interacts with your child or children through holding, rocking, cuddling and talking. Are you looking for a baby nurse that will help your newborn develop good sleeping habits so that your baby can sleep through the night? Or perhaps a baby nurse that can help you throughout the day so you can focus on your own rest and recovery. Our newborn care givers truly enjoy taking care of babies and have the knowledge and experience to give your infant the attention he or she needs for optimal development.

Recently featured on NBC

“The childcare trend isn’t a new one, according to Jospehine Chrouch,

night nannies nyc

 owner of New York agency Lullaby Baby Nurses. “Night nanny services have been in use for a long time, especially by mothers who’ve had a C-section or difficult labor,” she explains. However, while she has seen a steady clientele since the company’s inception in 2006, she does say that there are still many parents who do not know what a night nanny is, or that the service is even an option.” Read more about night nannies here.

A Recent Client from TLC’s “What Not To Wear”

“Thank you so much for sending Shyrine to help us out on “What Not To Wear.” We had an unusual request to care for a baby while her mother filmed on our show, but Lullaby Baby Nurses came through for us. We had very specific requirements and all of our needs were fulfilled. Your service is excellent and we thank you for working with us!”

Tiffanie Young
Production Coordinator for TLC’s “What Not To Wear”
What Not To Wear | BBC NY Production

Postpartum Doulas

A Doula which means (a woman who helps woman) is a non-medical postpartum care provider who offer support, practical knowledge and support to new parents. Doulas are specially trained to give new mothers the assistance and mothering that she may need. Doulas help new parents with baby care skills such as newborn bathing, circumcision care, umbilical cord care, diaper changing, breast feeding support, light housekeeping, laundry and more.

Any Baby Nurse that you Hire is Available for:

  • 24 hours assignments & 12 hour assignments
  • Day and Night Time Baby Nurse
  • Available For Long Term & Short Term Assignments
  • Available Overnight, Weekends & Next Day

Some of the many areas our baby nurses specialize in:

  • Singletons
  • Twins and Multiples
  • NICU Newborns
  • Colicky Newborns
  • Preemies and Micro Preemies
  • Special Needs
  • Scheduling and developing good sleeping habits
  • Night Nurse
  • Doula Services
  • Apnea Monitors
  • Reflux
  • Lactation
  • Baby Massage
  • Bathing and Feeding
  • Rest and Recovery

Hire a Baby Nurse in NYC/NJ/CT and other locations

We can provide a nanny or baby nurse in Manhattan, New York State, Staten Island, Long Island, Westchester, Philadelphia, New Jersey, Boston, Connecticut, California and nationwide. Let us know where you are located and we can provide a baby nurse in your area.

Not sure if you need to hire a baby nurse or not? You will be most exhausted after having your baby and will need a lot of sleep. Going into labor and giving birth can be very exhausting, but the aftermath can be even worse. You will need a few weeks to recover and will need to have proper sleep at night. Having a baby nurse for the first few weeks after giving birth will be very helpful for adjusting to having a new born baby in the home. A baby nurse will be very helpful with doing things around the house such as the baby’s laundry, making small snacks, and doing some light housekeeping. She will teach you the best ways to change the baby’s diaper, bathe, and feed the baby. She will even do all of this for you.

A baby nurse can be very helpful to have when adjusting to having a brand new baby in the home. She will help you with parenting advice and skills. The baby nurse will gladly take care of your newborn baby while you are trying to recover from just giving birth and adjusting back to your daily life. It is not very costly to have a baby nurse in your home, it is quite affordable. When you interview your new baby nurse make sure that you ask her questions and let her know about what you will be expecting to make sure that it is something that you will be needing.

When you first have your baby your family might need some extra help taking care of the new baby in the home. It is going to be a different feeling having a newborn baby in the home. It will take some adjustment with learning how to change diapers, feedings, constant cleaning, and sleeping patterns. A baby nurse is fully trained in how to take care of a newborn baby and knows exactly what to do in regards to taking care of the mom and baby. She will make sure that you are fully prepared in taking care of the new baby and make sure that you are also well rested. The baby nurse will be responsible for the baby 24/7 to ensure that you get enough sleep.

Hire a Doula Nurse in NYC/NJ/CT and other locations

A postpartum doula is a baby nurse that provides help and support to the mother and family. A doula will help the mom recover after giving birth. The doula will be helping with the feeding, procedures, and routine as well as give tips. The doula will also help with some light house keeping, run errands, and meal prep. The main focus will be on the newborn baby as this is their speciality. The doula may or may not be a live in for the time that they are needed. It is preference on whether you choose to hire a baby nurse or a doula nurse. Just ask us if you are not sure on what you would prefer!

Hire a Baby Nurse for Special Events or a Wedding Party

Hiring a baby nurse for a special event or wedding party can be incredibly helpful. You won’t need to fuss all day and take time away from your special day. Hire a baby nurse to take care of all your baby’s needs throughout the day and rest assured that your baby is in good hands. Enjoy your day and have your mind at rest knowing that your baby is being taken care of by one of our professional and loving baby nurses. Our baby nurses are available to travel as well as over night occasions.

Lullaby Baby Nurses Featured in The Atlantic 1/10/2020

“Night nannies, or night nurses, change, swaddle, soothe, and feed babies, caring for them throughout the night so their parents can get some rest. They also teach parents how to take care of infants. It isn’t a new profession: “We have been around so long. As long as people are going to have babies, they are going to need us,” said Josephine Chrouch, who runs the New York–based night-nurse agency Lullaby Services.

Lately, the agency’s services have been in particular demand. As higher proportions of women have entered and stayed in the workforce, high-paying employers have demanded more of their workers’ time and paid parental leave remains widely unavailable. Alongside these developments, night-nannying has shifted from a specialty service for the very wealthy to a source of relief for many well-paid urban professionals trying to manage their postpartum lives. (Some well-off families opt for more than just part-time help, of course, hiring live-in nannies who can provide additional care in the early months.)”

Click here to view the article